Boynton Beach High Relay for Life event spreads
For the
past year, Susan Heckman has been on a journey of surgeries, chemotherapy and
radiation while battling breast cancer.
cancer was caught early, when Heckman spotted a lump during a self examination.
Susan Heckman
cancer free, Heckman, 47, and her husband, Boynton Beach High media specialist
William Heckman, say it’s awareness that is most important. And, he says, it’s
events like Saturday’s Relay for Life at the high school that do just that.
“The kids
in the school here and the staff have been very, very supportive,” William
Heckman said. “It’s wonderful. It really is.”
It’s the
first time in at least five years that the high school is hosting the event,
which raises money for the American Cancer Society. The walk starts at 6 p.m.
at the football field and ends at 6 a.m. Sunday. As of Thursday afternoon, nine
teams had signed up and about $1,000 had been raised by the students, according
to Cassey Stank, a Boynton High English teacher who is organizing the event.
said many staff members, students and family members will participate in the
said he won’t be able to attend, however, because he will be with his wife who
is having her last round of radiation today.
But to
honor the Heckmans, the students created a 3-foot purple ribbon for the couple
and signed it.
The media
specialist said he was too overcome with emotion and told the children to
leave. Then later, he thanked them.
Heckman, a teacher at Grove Park Elementary in suburban West Palm Beach,
spotted the lump in her breast in June. Test results showing cancer came back
in July. Heckman had a double mastectomy, reconstructive surgery, months of
chemotherapy and six weeks of radiation. The Heckmans and their daughter Kelsie
anxiously awaited results of the BRCA gene test to see if the cancer was
hereditary. It’s not.
though Heckman is cancer free, her husband said its return is something they’ll
both worry about, even though the chances of that happening are low.
said he wants the public to know that anyone, no matter how young, can be
diagnosed with cancer.
“The more
aware we are, the better it is. The quicker you catch it, the chances of you
surviving are exponentially better,” Heckman said. “The Relay for Life, it
brings a lot of awareness. It also gives the kids a chance to show how much a
part of the community they are.”
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