“it’s more than just a ride”
Knights Table
Monthly Newsletter February
Greetings from your President Will
Once again we had an awesome month for the Knights. I wrote
this piece a while ago and decided to recycle it. Hope you enjoy it.
Just because I’m
Or Playing the “What
if” game.
By Will
Before I got back into riding, I spent some time asking more
experienced riders for advice. Well you can imagine the plethora of more
colorful and smart ass answers I got. There was a couple however that was
useful. The two I thought to be most helpful were to take the MSF course, which
I did. The other was to always be playing the “what if” game or as I like to
call it “just because I’m paranoid, doesn’t mean that they’re not really out to
get me”. Other than the time a road captain told me I “turn like crap on a
roller skate” after I took one that went a little wide (OK a lot wide) the
“what if” game stuck in my mind.
Here is how you play. Pretend that when you are riding on
the mean streets of SO FLO that every single car, bus, and van on every road on
every day is out to get you. Pretend that they are looking for any excuse and
opportunity to turn you into a 600 pound, two wheeled pin ball. Oh sure they
will try and make it seem like an
accident (which is the only thing that keeps me from going completely insane).
This exercise in mental health (or illness) is easy to do in town or on our
many back roads. Now, unlike the wonderful MSF course that teaches us to watch
out for those hidden driveways, oncoming cages and crossroads, this is a whole
different level of mistrust. In my world I’m always thinking about who can hit
me, and then calculate the odds of them being successful at doing so, and then
plan my escape. Then I plan how they will atone for their transgressions, but that is for another article.
It’s all part of being paranoid. I try to know what they are going to do before
they do. Welcome to Will’s World!! OK you say “now what”. Should you too obsess
about every devious driveway, crazed cager, bumbling bus driver, bone headed
bicyclist, deranged dog, dive bombing bird (this one actually happened) and
that schizophrenic, sociopath, suicidal squirrel that we have read about
recently? Or how about this scenario, the ride leader (I won’t mention myself
by name) has to stop short because the car in front of him has a hallucination
at a green light. The result is that everyone has to stop so short that I give
the guy in front of me an unscheduled Prostate exam. Now if that person happens
to be Steve Greenies, and since we are both of Polish decent, we may actually
be married by Polish law. Just thinking
of that is enough to make a person park their bike for a very long time.
Of Note:
We have started a
mileage program. The first members have already received their certificate and
a decal for reaching 1000k miles with the PB KNIGHTS! The next level is 5000K miles.
Look on the detail of each ride to see how many miles are awarded. If you would
like to see your miles, just go to the pages tab and open Palm
Beach Knights MRC Mileage Program page.
Don’t forget that any
member can make a suggestion about a ride or an event. We are always looking
for more new places to ride to. So if you know of a place or an event, make
sure to suggest it on our website.
While we try to mix
up our rides as much as possible, it's highly unlikely that I'm going to please
everyone all the time. I hope everyone has been enjoying the rides that I have
been on our schedule so far. I am always looking for feedback and new ideas.
Your participation is what makes this club great.
Please remember that as “Knights” we need to do the
- Fill
out the new members form. (see Will)
- Pay
your support dues. ( you can also order a club shirt)
- Participate
in an event at least every 90 days.(there are exceptions)
We have
been having some really awesome rides:
Four Knights headed out on a really picture perfect
day. We were lead by our Road Capt. Mark “Kruzen”. After a great ride we had a nice lunch and
got back on the road. I’m happy to say no one lost a dime!!
Swap Meet- February
Nice Swap meet. I think everyone came away with
something. I got a light for $5 that didn’t work, but with a little engineering
it worked out just fine. We all then headed to the Tiki Hut where we had a really
nice lunch on the water. Just another reason why we have the best club around.
Tech day/BBQ @ Will's- February
I hope everyone had as
good a time as I did. It was great having so many of the Knights at my house.
My driveway never looked better! Thank you to all who brought food, expertise
and good friendship. Sometimes we forget how lucky we are to have a club where
we can count on our brothers to lend a hand. That was the only way my trunk was
getting installed. Paul Manna also was
able to get some things done and Gunner was able to plan out what he needs to
do. All in all it was a very good time. Congratulations to Paul Manna on
winning the 50/50. Let’s not forget to Thank Cody our friend who took such
great pictures.
Swamp Cabbage Festival- February
Wow, the festival was a
lot more crowded then I remember. The ride up to La Belle was perfect. We had great
weather and good roads. Parking was a
breeze and there was plenty to see and eat. Some choose to eat at the Festival,
but I don’t think anyone braved the Swamp Cabbage! Oh, I did loose on a really slow Armadillio. I think he's still running. After, we headed to our
favorite BBQ place. There we were treated to free soup, free ice cream and good
food. The ride home was almost perfect with the exception of Gunner having some
tech problems. I’m sure he’ll get it fixed soon.
Upcoming Rides Don’t
miss out on:
Thanks Fatty Matty for the idea!!
March 2nd
Renaissance Festival/Quiet
Waters Park- $15-Class 3 w/ Highways
Sunday, March 10, 2013- Scotty's
Tiki Bar at Roland Martin Marina
Saturday, March 16, 2013- Dania Jai-Alai
Paul Sachse- Paul
has been with us almost from the very beginning. A great member and an all-round
nice guy!